Proudly Serving the Greater West Michigan Area | 616-828-0921 |

Reach-In Closets

Have you been looking to create a more organized and efficient closet space?

Select from our design favorites to build a reach-in closet that you love and maximize your space to fit your needs – and budget! Whether adjustable shelves, drawers, wire baskets, or other accessories are on your checklist, we’ve got you covered.

Reach-in closets start from $590+.

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Here are a few of our design favorites:

If one of these designs fits for you, it all starts with a free design consultation where we’ll ask you about your closet width and confirm your design selection. As always, we are happy to customize your closet to your exact specifications!

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Request a Free, No Obligation Quote:

Need a Custom Closet?

Let’s set up a design consultation to discuss your needs!
